
Sectors - Health & pharmaceutical

Our geolocation solutions for bio-medical equipment

Use cases of our customers

Monitoring of unconnected mobile hospital equipment, both on-site and at patient's home.



You are responsible for the purchase, management and maintenance of a fleet of mobile health care equipment (carts, wheelchairs, medical beds, etc.) used in various departments as needed, and even at numerous locations for patients hospitalized at home. Unfortunately, you are frequently facing temporary or permanent loss of equipment, losing precious time to find it, or buying it twice when urgent.


Using InVirtus solutions, you can monitor the time of use of your devices to optimize maintenance operations, locate them precisely and without heavy infrastructure in real time, be alerted in case of unexpected movements...both indoors and outdoors with no distance limit. All this is possible simply by installing an ivTrack GPS tracker onto your equipment. You can then locate it in real time via the inVirtus WEB cloud for PC and the android mobile application.


25% time saved in finding equipment
Facilitate the management of a fleet of mobile equipment while reducing the resource allocated to this task.

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How about managing all your data on a single platform in an intuitive and autonomous way?

Monitoring of bio-medical equipment



You receive a large number of patients and their companions in your facilities, and they follow a large number of possible routes through several types of areas (e.g. reception, room, waiting room, anesthesia, operating room, recovery room, room, break room, cafeteria, etc.). Unfortunately, it is frequent that the patient changes his itinerary (intentionally or not) and you temporarily lose the location. Furthermore, you are not able to customize service offers according to the area where the patient/carer is located. Finally, you spend an important resource to guide the patient in his journey, and to answer the requests of his relatives to know the evolution of this journey.


Measure the time spent by each patient in each zone, locate the patient precisely in real time without heavy infrastructure, send notifications (SMS, mobile app, email...) to the patient or his companion according to the zone where he is to guide him, inform him, offer him consumption services. All this is possible simply by equipping the patient and his companion with a BLE Tag (in the form of a pendant or bracelet), and a beacon in each area. You can then locate in real time the movements of your visitors and automate many personalized actions via the WEB platform inVirtus Cloud for PC and the mobile android application.


Improving service to companions
25% time saved in finding a patient
Analyze and optimize the flow of people

The products adapted to your needs



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