
Sectors - Transport & Logistics

Our geolocation solutions for transport & logistics

Use cases of our customers

Cart tracking / Truck loading

Container / Content association


We realized that this subject highlighted a double need. First of all, our customers want to locate both a vehicle and a towed element in order to know if the latter is paired with the former. If no association is made then the towed element is not used. In this case, a better management of these elements can be considered. On the other hand, if the two equipments are associated, then our customers wish to obtain alerts in case of entry/exit of contents in the container as well as an automated inventory in order to eliminate the time wasted by the operators to carry out these checks and the possible errors.


Our GPS trackers can both transmit and receive a signal. Therefore, we propose to our customers either the use of GPS trackers for all the containers and contents, or the fixing of a GPS tracker on the container and the use of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) tags for the contents.


Improve fleet management
Optimize the use of containers
Optimize operator time

The products adapted to your needs



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How about managing all your data on a single platform in an intuitive and autonomous way?

Follow-up of light vehicle fleet



When several equipments have different uses, duration and location, the management of the park becomes difficult. Thus, the poor control of the availability and location of these equipments leads on the one hand to the waste of time of the operators to look for them, and on the other hand to an additional investment or rental cost to serve your site. In addition, management control and knowledge of equipment allocation by site are compromised.


Equipping your equipment with an inVirtus Technologies GPS tracker allows you to locate it in France and/or abroad. You can also be alerted in case of movement (on/off, entry/exit of zone, ...), and have information such as temperatures and shocks.


Automate your inventories
Optimize your maintenance
Cost reduction

The products adapted to your needs



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synthese home page outdoor

inVirtus Cloud

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